Studio diip is onderdeel van Pegamento B.V. geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer 32106184. Meer info over Computer Vision op de Pegamento website.
Studio diip
Arnhemse Bovenweg 160
3708 AH Zeist
+31 345 506 606
New website
/in Uncategorized /door diipAs you might have noticed, Studio diip has updated its website. The previous website was developed from scratch a couple of years ago, but lately it was working less well on mobile devices. The new website fixes that and it also adds some new content. At the moment we only have an English verison, but a Dutch version will be live soon as well. If you find anything that is not working properly, please let us know!
Expanding activities: Blockchain development
/in Uncategorized /door diipBecause of our growing expertise developing blockchain, cryptocurrency software and in building automated trading software Studio diip has decided to launch a new initiative. With diip Blockchain we have created a new place for these activities, without compromising our focus and expertise on Computer Vision technology. diip Blockchain will operate as a seperate entity, but is still part of Studio diip. Take a look at the new webpage and let us know if you have any interesting ideas or applications for blockchain technology!