Studio diip is looking for developers

Because there are a lot of new projects coming up in the next few months, Studio diip is looking for more developers. Read the vacancy here (Dutch language only).

Studio diip is looking for developers

Because there are a lot of new projects coming up in the next few months, Studio diip and diip Blockchain are looking for more developers. Read the vacancy here (Dutch language only).

Internship possibilities at Studio diip

Studio diip is looking for people studying Computer Science (or similar education) for an internship. If you’re interested in image processing and want to learn more about this within a small team then this internship might be something for you.

Internship description

The aim of the internship is to develop simple image recognition applications that can be used as proof of concepts or demonstrators. These applications range from areas like sports, ICT and logistics. They can be implemented into prototypes, websites or stand alone applications with a user interface. You’ll learn the ins and outs of applying computer vision algorithms in a small company setting.


  • Experience with applied programming (preferably in C++)
  • Interest in Computer Vision
  • A team player

More information

If you’re interested in doing an intership at Studio diip please contact us for more information or take a look at the website Call us or send an e-mail to Address your e-mail to Thomas de Wolf and include your resumé and motivation.

Studio diip projects