Vegetable Recognition at TEDxBrainport

At TEDxBrainport during the Dutch Technology Week in Eindhoven, Studio diip showed an interactive installation that is able to recognize vegetables and recommend recipes. The installation was specifically built to show that image recognition can be used in daily settings relatively easily and that this technology is not only limited to extremely high tech or industrial solutions. To underline this, the installation was built in only a few days using standard a standard webcam, projector and laptop.

The vegetable recognizer uses a camera to detect vegetables that someone places on the table below. The system takes the vegetables as input to search for recipes that include the specific vegetables and show them to the user with a projector. A system like this can for instance be placed in a supermarket to make it possible to find interesting recipes while actually interacting with the vegetables themselves. A concept like this would probably also work very well as a smart-phone app, making it possible to make new dishes with the leftovers and by doing so, throw less food away. Check the movie below for a demonstration of the vegetable recognizer.

Vegetable Detector